Chiledoc arrives in São Paulo to forge new commercial ties for the documentary sector

28 agosto, 2024

● The Chiledoc Sector Brand will attend this significant meeting for documentary filmmakers in São Paulo in person for the second time, from September 4th to 9th, aiming to strengthen co-production opportunities with Brazil.

● Accompanied by Chiledoc, the Chilean production company DiezCincuenta, represented by Dagoberto Flores Venegas, will seek further support to continue developing its Chile-Brazil co-production Three Sorrowful Aunts, which already has the backing of the Brazilian Cisco Laboratory.

● The Conecta meeting is one of the international guests attending DocSP, and it will have the opportunity to select a Brazilian documentary project for its 9th edition, which will take place in December 2024 in Santiago, Chile.

Brazil is one of the key markets for Chiledoc, the brand representing Chilean documentaries worldwide. Without going any further, there is a Co-Production Agreement between both countries, and the DocSP International Meeting is one of the most significant spaces to promote commercial ties and co-production between both sectors. This is why Chiledoc will again participate in this event this year, aiming to promote the Chilean documentary sector.

In this context, Raúl Vilches, Head of ProChile’s Creative Economy Department, states, «Brazil is a priority market for our creative industries. In the audiovisual field, we have a co-production agreement that we seek to strengthen through a public-private partnership with the Chiledoc Sector Brand. Participating in DocSP is an excellent opportunity to achieve these goals and establish important connections that will allow us to better engage with this great country.»

«This year, we have 48 projects selected, mostly from Brazil or as co-productions between Brazil and countries such as Argentina, Chile, Portugal, and France,» says Luis González Zaffaroni, Director of DOCSP. He adds, «We continue to grow and expand our international ties; this year, we will welcome nine prestigious international organizations providing advice and great incentives, such as direct selections to the selected projects. These organizations include the Sundance Film Festival and the Sundance Institute Documentary Fund, the Chicken and Egg project incubator focused on women and LGBTQI+ filmmakers, Firelight Media’s William Graves R&D Fund for Afro-descendant and Indigenous filmmakers, Berlinale, Hot Docs, along with South Africa’s leading documentary film festival, Encounters, the Sunny Side of the Doc market, and of course, our Chilean partner, Conecta.»

Both Chiledoc and the Meeting of the International Documentary Industry, Conecta, will be represented in São Paulo by Paula Ossandón, Director of Chiledoc and a member of the board of the Chilean Corporation of Documentaries CCDoc. In this capacity, representing Conecta, she will meet with the selected projects and choose one to participate in online meetings at Conecta 2024.

«Due to its importance and size in the Latin American market, Brazil is one of our target territories. It has significant governmental support for the production and internationalization of its works, protection quotas for the exhibition of content on television, and is the second-largest consumer of streaming in the world. All these factors make the co-production agreement we have had since 1996 a valuable opportunity for Chilean productions to grow and develop in partnership with Brazilian productions», concludes Paula Ossandón, director of Chiledoc.

The Chilean documentary brand will also host a networking event that will be attended by accredited participants and guests of DocSP, as well as Chilean authorities in São Paulo.

Co-producing with Brazil

DiezCincuenta is an audiovisual production company founded in 2019 in the Ñuble region of Chile. Since its origins, it has specialized in auteur documentary films, focusing on studying and analyzing family and social issues. Its productions use archival experimentation to develop innovative ideas around identity, art, culture, heritage, and territory.

Their primary interest in attending DocSP with the Three Sorrowful Aunts project, co-produced with the Chilean production company Catarsis Films and the Brazilian company Laboratorio Cisco, is «to meet with our Brazilian co-producer and participate in one-on-one meetings with sales agents, festival programmers, and content buyers. Co-producing with Brazil, especially with Laboratorio Cisco, has provided great support and collaboration for our project. They were fully interested from the moment we presented it to them. We recently did pre-production in Campinas, where part of the Three Sorrowful Aunts story takes place and where Laboratorio Cisco is based, and everything was wonderful. Everything has been organic, from the collaboration and commitment to auteur documentary filmmaking and the searches we are engaged in,» says Dagoberto Flores.

Three Sorrowful Aunts is directed by Carlos Villegas Leiva and produced by Dagoberto Flores Venegas, Catalina Espinoza Badillo, Carlos Villegas Leiva, and Julio Matos. The project is about an aunt who went to Brazil for twenty years and returned to Chile, leaving her young daughters behind; an aunt who was imprisoned during the dictatorship and never had children; an aunt who, overwhelmed by life, committed suicide at sea; and a nephew who investigates the stories of these three women, victims of a conservative society, to right the wrongs of the past and pass on the family memory to his young daughter.

To date, this project has been selected for production and writing workshops at the Lebu Film Festival (Chile, 2019), the Ñuble Film Festival (Chile, 2020), the Documenta Sur Lab (Chile, 2022), the Documentary Script Lab – Artistas del Acero (Chile, 2022), selected to participate in DocMontevideo (Uruguay, 2022), Biobiocine Meetings (Chile, 2022), and is part of the ChileDoc Sector Brand catalog of Chilean documentaries. In 2023, it was part of Conecta and is currently awaiting the results of the ANCINE Fund.

About Chiledoc
Chiledoc promotes the talents of Chilean documentary filmmakers and their films and series worldwide. Our commitment lies in fostering the sector’s expansion through strategic promotion, creating and strengthening networks, and promoting associative practices. We are a collective force.

Chiledoc is a public-private organization supported by ProChile, under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Chilean Corporation of Documentaries (CCDoc).

Press Contact: Natalia Raipan |