Biopic Current Affairs Feature Film Finished Music

Christina after the thunderbolt

Directed by:

Luis Renato Hermosilla

Produced by:

Luis Renato Hermosilla

Production Company:

Botanika Films


  • Format


  • Duration

    70 min

  • Country



Christina Rosenvinge awakens memories on stage. 30 years after the release of Que Me Parta un Rayo, the tour celebrates its impact on Spanish-speaking music and the fervor of its Chilean followers. Through his link with the local public, the evolution of his art through the decades is explored. With reflections from national musicians, fans and the analysis of his book «Debut», the depth of his songs and his lasting influence are revealed.


  • Luis


    Director and Producer

    Born in Concepción, Chile, in 1983, he is a Chilean director and producer with studies in Chile, Portugal, and France in areas such as visual arts, documentary film, and business. He has been an artist-in-residence in Sweden, Chicago, and Berlin, and has showcased his work at Chilean film festivals.

    He has received recognitions such as the Babelfishing Prize from the Universidade do Porto (2007) and Best National Short Film at InEdit Chile (2022). He has directed and produced the short film «Nuestra Esquina» about the punk rock band Fiskales Ad-Hok and the web series «Home Sessions,» which has released 24 episodes.

    He currently directs the audiovisual production company Botanika Films.

Technical Info

Year of production: 2023
Format: 4K
Duration: 70 minutes
Country/Countries: Chile
Director: Luis Renato Hermosilla
Producer: Luis Renato Hermosilla
Production company: Botanika Films (
Social media:
Distributor or sales agent: Seeking distributor or sales agent

Awards and Official Selections

WIP, InEdit Chile, 2023

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