A son receives voicemails from his father, desperate to reconnect, but finds only responses from an artificial and ever-changing voice, transforming his quest for connection into an encounter with technology and emotional distance.
Born in Santiago, Chile, Vicente de la Cuadra is a 25-year-old filmmaker and multimedia artist specialising in experimental and documentary cinema. With a focus on the search and materialisation of both senses and their absence, he has explored new narrative and aesthetic forms in projects that have been featured in national and international film festivals. His work aims to provoke deep and emotional reflections on personal themes that can find common ground with the viewer.
Born in Illapel, Chile, Isidora Gallardo is a 24-year-old journalist and producer of documentary short films. A graduate of the University of Chile in 2023, she studied Audiovisual Production at the Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain, where she contributed to the creation of both documentary and fiction short films. Her work is distinguished by a focus on the depth of human stories and her ability to convey personal experiences through cinema.
Year of production: 2024
Format: Full HD
Duration: 7:18 minutes
Country: Chile
Director: Vicente de la Cuadra
Producer: Isidora Gallardo
Instagram: Vicente de la Cuadra
Santiago International Documentary Film Festival 28 (FIDOCS), Chile, 2024.