Eight universes where rural education is developed in Chile, from the point of view of the teachers who have dedicated their lives to keeping this way of teaching alive. In some places rural education is strengthening and in others it is disappearing, hand in hand with the dizzying changes that affect our country and the world.
A filmmaker specialising in music, education, and childhood. Founder and director of the Ojo de Pescado Film Festival and related projects. Creator of a unitary and several series on music in Chile, as well as the series My Rural School, funded by the National Television Council.
Executive Producer of the feature films «Fiesta Falsa», «Andrés Reads and Writes», and «First Person» by director Daniel Peralta, as well as the documentary short film Campamento Esperanza, among many other productions. Permanent Executive Producer at Reinos Cine.
Release Year: 2024
Duration: 8 x 52 minutes
Country/Countries: Chile
Production Stage: Post-production
Director: Alejandra Fritis Zapata
Producer: Daniel Rebolledo Parra
General Production: Carolina Pizarro
Cinematography: Sebastián León, Pedro Micelli, Jorge Mella, and Alejandra Fritis
Sound: Eduardo Tumayan
Editing: Carlos Ruz and Alejandra Fritis
Post-Image: Carlos Ruz
Post-Sound: Eduardo Tumayan
Graphics: Boris Kuleba
Music: Horacio Rebolledo