The Outcast’s Dance follows the exciting story of a group of friends who participated in the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front. After assassinating Jaime Guzmán and orchestrating one of the most emblematic prison escapes in history, they flee Chile and remain hidden for over 20 years in the bohemian town of San Miguel de Allende Mexico. In 2017, one of them is arrested and accused of being the leader of a sophisticated kidnapping gang. This is how their true identities are unmasked and the persecution for their actions in Chile revives.
Duration: 6 capítulos de 45 minutos.
Countries: México, Chile, Francia.
Directors: Ángel Linares y Emilio Aguilar Pradal
Producers: Jimena Mancilla y Miguel Ángel Sánchez
Company Producer: Libres Films, Matricaria, Ventana Sur.